Hi! I'm Karoshi!

Hi, looks like you've stumbled upon one the deepest corners of the internets!

Don't fret though, it is MY corner and I'm cool! (pinky promise).

Day 5 - June 22nd, 2024 - MAL.

Thanks to really amazing MyAnimeList support I now have an account there, took some time though because I messed up my email domain name, but they changed it for me, really nice people.

Day 4 - June 6th, 2024 - Problems.

I learned today that they decided to suspend my account on TikTok, weird, I didn't even add a first video yet, funny...

Day 3 - June 5th, 2024 - More improvements to the site.

Well, not >>really<< day 3, but day 3 of working on this stuff, hey anyone can have a break sometimes right? RIGHT??!?!?

Anyway, added better support for mobile I guess, sorry for poofing, yes I'm still alive!

Day 2 - June 2nd, 2024 - Trying out new stuff.

Started streaming for first time in my life! - please don't go there, you'll cringe harder than I did watching my first couple tries.

Day 1 - June 1st, 2024 - Day one.

Minor improvements to the site (even got copylefted! *_*) reconsidering the name though. Opened up couple new profiles.

Day 0 - May 31st, 2024 - A new era.

First day of this project, I popped a champagne (NON-ALCOHOLIC CHAMPAGNE 0%).


I'm an independent (a.k.a. NEET) tech entusiast trying to get my life under control.

Where to find me:

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